
Case study IT-Infrastructure

Navigating the cloud: Hybrid cloud for business continuity

In this case study, we explore how Vias AS successfully migrated from their traditional on-premise datacenter to the cloud, focusing on information security. We examine the challenges faced during the migration to the cloud computing infrastructure, the specific security measures implemented by the company, and the benefits realized as a result of the migration to the virtual private network.


Describing business intelligence problems

How do you transition a 20 years old
infrastructure to the cloud?

Data and Information security stand as obstacles in such IT architectures.

VIAS AS successfully migrated from their traditional on-premise datacenter to the cloud, focusing on information security

Vias AS, a mid-sized manufacturing firm with a global presence, had been relying heavily on their on-premise datacenter to support their day-to-day operations. However, the datacenter hardware and software was aging, becoming costly to maintain, and not agile and elastic enough, limiting the company's ability to scale up and innovate. The company was also facing challenges in terms of Downtime, disaster-recovery and data security and compliance, as the firewall from the on-premise datacenter was susceptible to physical and cyber threats. These challenges prompted the company to seek a solution that would provide them with greater flexibility, scalability, and security, while also reducing costs and leveraging cloud capabilities.

After considering their options, Vias AS decided to migrate to the partly their infrastructure to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. They chose Azure for its cost savings, improved scalability, and because of the single ecossystem of Microsoft 365 + Active Directory. However,a clear problem challenge stood up. The customer data and finantial data had to be kept saved at the premises and somehow the Azure Active Directory needed to be configured so that the access levels would be kept according to the established ISMS.

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The old meets the new

How leadership engagement is important to
strengthen security?

How to migrate to the cloud and costs of migrating to the cloud

VIAS's on-premise datacenter had become too costly to manage and was limiting the company's ability to scale and innovate. In addition, data security and compliance had become a growing concern. VIAS decided to migrate to the Azure cloud Infrastructure for greater scalability, flexibility, and cost savings.

Migrating to the cloud provided the company with numerous benefits. With the ability to easily scale their IT infrastructure up or down depending on their needs, the company was able to reduce the need for costly hardware investments and at the same time reduce the amount of different softwares (crm, erp, ticketing system, etc) that were being used, since the ecosystem powered by Microsoft 365 application services would provide the replacement. Additionally, they could take advantage of advanced tools and services that allowed them to innovate and bring new products and services to market more quickly.

Despite the benefits, information security was a significant concern for the leadership and legal department. The cloud provider's enhanced security measures and compliance certifications gave the company confidence that their cloud strategy and data would be protected. However, the challenge to maintain the lifecycles from the database on-site and syncronize it in real time with the migrated ERP, CRM, webshop and ticketing system. It was our challenge that we decide to surpass.
Connecting them, after a couple of custom developed integrations and VMs set up, was not hard, although the team had to deal with latency issues. The true problem was the encryption, the VPN and set up all the load balancers so that they would connect properly and have minimum latency times.

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Different key-personell from VIAS worked closely with the migration team to ensure a smooth transition and to address any issues that arose. Through careful planning and execution, the company was able to successfully migrate to the cloud soluton without experiencing any significant disruptions to their operations.

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Easing the Migration Process

Overview, timelines and challenges?

How to remain the infrastructure secure

A. Overview of the migration process:

The migration to the cloud was a complex process that required careful planning and execution. The migration team worked closely with VIAS to understand their needs and develop a migration plan that would minimize disruption to their operations. The team also ensured that all data was migrated securely and that any issues were addressed promptly.

B. Timeline of the migration:

The migration to the cloud was completed in several phases. The first phase involved assessing the company's IT infrastructure and developing a migration plan. The second phase involved developing and testing and validating the migration plan, while the third phase involved actually migrating the necessry applications to the cloud. The migration process took approximately four weeks from start to finish.

C. Challenges faced during the migration:

One of the main challenges faced during the migration was combining Azure and Azure Active Directory with the company's on-premises database. This required careful planning and execution to ensure that the migration was successful and that any issues were promptly addressed. Additionally, ensuring data security and compliance during the migration was a significant challenge that required close collaboration between the migration team and the some of CW1 DPOs.

Information Security in the Cloud

Cloud security refers to the measures and protocols that are put in place to protect data that is stored in the cloud. Cloud providers offer a wide range of security measures, including access controls, encryption, and monitoring tools, to ensure that data is protected against physical and cyber threats.

During the migration process, VIAS worked closely with the migration team to implement additional security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to further enhance their security posture. The company also took advantage of the cloud provider's security tools and services to ensure that their data was protected.

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Outcomes and lessons

What change did CW1 do?

Outcomes and results of a succeful implementation

VIAS migrated to the cloud to address the limitations of their aging on-premise datacenter. The migration provided benefits such as improved scalability, greater flexibility, and enhanced security measures. The migration also resulted in cost savings by eliminating the need for expensive hardware investments and reducing IT maintenance costs.

The migration from the data-center to the managed cloud had a significant impact on the company's operations, business needs and, allowed to enable the company to respond more quickly to changes in the market and customer demands. The enhanced security measures provided by the cloud provider ensured that the company's data was protected against physical and cyber threats.

The key takeaways from the migration process included the importance of seamlessly planning and execution, having a clear understanding of IT infrastructure needs, and partnering with an experienced cloud migration team. Additionally, implementing additional security measures, such as encryption and access controls, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance were important lessons learned about information security in the cloud.

Based on their experience, VIAS recommends that other companies considering a similar migration carefully assess their IT infrastructure needs and choose a cloud provider that can meet those needs. They also recommend partnering with an experienced cloud migration team to ensure a smooth and successful migration.

In conclusion, VIAS successfully migrated to the cloud, resulting in significant benefits for the business. The implementation of enhanced security measures has enabled the company to continue to innovate and grow, while providing their customers with better products and services. While challenges exist with cloud security, careful planning, execution, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance can ensure a successful migration to the cloud.

How do you migrate your infrastructure to the cloud?

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